Asociace muzeí a galerií ČR - Dění v oboru
19. 6. 2017

European Museum of the Year Award 2018

Termín prodloužen do 23. června 2017!

The European Museum Forum (EMF) is an independent not-for-profit organisation which is a charitable company registered in the UK1, dedicated to promoting innovation in museum practice and encouraging exchange of best practice and ideas across Europe.

The European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) and the Council of Europe Museum Prize were launched in 1977 under the auspices of the Council of Europe, with the aim of recognising excellence in the European museum scene and encouraging innovative processes in a museum world which then still took the more traditional view of focusing exclusively on collections rather than on their use for the benefit of society.

The EMYA Judging Panel is looking for enterprise and innovation that enhances the public quality of the museum. The judges seek to identify new developments that are likely to have a significant influence in the national and international museum field.

Call for applications (471 kB)
Často kladedné otázky (401 kB)
Přihláška (150 kB)




Náměty posílejte nejpozději do 27. listopadu 2023

Termín pro podání žádostí je do 31. března 2023

1.–3. listopad 2022 v Multifunkční kulturní centrum v Hlinsku

4. listopadu 2021 v Muzeu jižního Plzeňska v Blovicích, p. o.


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