Asociace muzeí a galerií ČR - Dění v oboru
1. 2. 2018

Hands On! Preconference at Ecsite 2018 / Asociace Hands On! pořádá konference a semináře Ecsite 2018

6. června 2018, Ženeva, Švýcarsko

This year the European Museum and Science Center community will gather in Geneva Switzerland for the annual Ecsite conference, June 6–9.

Hands On! International Association of children in museums will hold a preconference and two sessions dedicated to the topic of safety, accident management and the conflict between offering visitors opportunities to physically engage with topics and keeping them safe. 

We are still looking for best practice, or as we call them in relation to our topic: Brave Practice examples for exhibitions and projects, withstanding today's common practice to wrap visitors in cotton wool OR professionals, who are willing to share real-life accidents involving visitors in their institutions.

Taking part in our sessions is a great way to present your work to an international community and connect with colleagues.

Call for participitation (681 kB)
Call for participitation (874 kB)




Náměty posílejte nejpozději do 27. listopadu 2023

Termín pro podání žádostí je do 31. března 2023

1.–3. listopad 2022 v Multifunkční kulturní centrum v Hlinsku

4. listopadu 2021 v Muzeu jižního Plzeňska v Blovicích, p. o.


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