Asociace muzeí a galerií ČR - Dění v oboru
10. 10. 2018

International Conference "The Role of Emotions in Museum and Cultural Experiences"

4th–6th April 2019, Berlin. Deadline: 22nd October 2018.

3rd International Conference on Audience Research and Development, 4th–6th April, Berlin

KulturAgenda Institute for Museums, Cultural Enterprises and Audiences, The Institute for Learning Innovation and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin together present a conference exploring the newest research in human emotions and the role they play in museum and cultural experiences.

Presenting the best of current research and applied practices, emphasizing innovation and quantified experience, this conference will bring together researchers, museum directors, museum professionals from all disciplines (education, marketing, curatorial, visitor services), exhibition developers and exhibition designers for an inter-field exchange of ideas and an in depth exploration of what we know, and how we can apply that knowledge to improve learning and the museum experience in general. 

The April 4–6, 2019 conference is taking place at the heart of Berlin, the Kulturforum, and will attract a global audience.

Using a combination of presentations, small group workshops and panel discussions this conference will enable participants to learn new approaches and ideas and engage in lively, interactive exchanges of best practice with colleagues from a wide variety of disciplinary expertise. Participants will have the opportunity to both contribute and learn about topics such as:

The following high profile experts have already confirmed their attendance: John Falk (Institute for Learning Innovation, US), Maria Gendron (Yale University, US) and Lisa Feldman Barret (Northeastern University, US), Kay Voges (Theater Dortmund, GER), Sheila Watson (Leicester University, UK), Martin Tröndle (Zeppelin University, GER).

The conference panel will select interesting and innovative session proposals, presentations and workshops. Successful candidates must be committed to attend the whole conference. 

Please note that all presentations must be English, and should be not more than 15 minutes in length, workshops however should be 2 hours. For selected presentations, sessions and workshops a written paper (or power point presentation) is to be emailed to the conference coordinator at least 4 weeks before the start of the conference.

Please forward an abstract of not more than 250 words and a CV (half a page) to:

Deadline: October 22nd, 2018.




Náměty posílejte nejpozději do 27. listopadu 2023

Termín pro podání žádostí je do 31. března 2023

1.–3. listopad 2022 v Multifunkční kulturní centrum v Hlinsku

4. listopadu 2021 v Muzeu jižního Plzeňska v Blovicích, p. o.


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